Sedimentary records of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) in southern Brazil

Dillenburg, S. R., Barboza E. G., Rosa M. L. C. C., Caron F., Cancelli R., Santos-Fischer C. B., Lopes R. P., & RITTER M. A. T. I. A. S. D. O. N. A. S. C. I. M. E. N. T. O. (2020).  Sedimentary records of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) in southern Brazil. 40(6), 1099 - 1108., 2020


In this paper, a reinterpretation of the older 14C ages of the Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene barrier-lagoon system of three coastal localities in southern Brazil is presented (Hermenegildo, Cassino, and Curumim). Sedimentological, geochronological, palynological, and diatom analyses of a sedimentary deposit formed in an estuarine/shallow marine environment are examined. This sedimentary deposit is presently found between 22 and 25 m depth below sea level in the Pinheira coastal plain. Results from all studied sites indicate that the deposit was formed under a former sea level of Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3) that may have oscillated in the study region between 5 and 23 m depth below present sea level, from 36.2 to 47.7 ka. These results are reinforced by studies of nearby sites, including southeast Brazil. The Pleistocene substrate of the Holocene lagoonal-barrier system, at depths lower than 5 m below sea level, seems to correspond to sedimentary deposits of the Pleistocene barrier formed during MIS 5, while at depths greater than 5 m below sea level, they might correspond to sedimentary deposits that were formed during the relative high sea levels of MIS 3.


