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Sachser, RM, Santana F, Crestani AP, Lunardi P, Pedraza L, Quillfeldt JA, Hardt O, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2016.  Forgetting of long-term memory requires activation of NMDA receptors, L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, and calcineurin.. Scientific Reports. (6):22771.proof_sachser_2016.pdf
Sachser, RM, Crestani AP, Quillfeldt JA, Mello e Souza T, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The cannabinoid system in the retrosplenial cortex modulates fear memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction. Learning & Memory. 5(22):584-588.
Sanchez, G, De Oliveira Alvares L, Oberholzer MV, Genro BP, Quillfeldt JA, Costa JC, Cerveñansky C, Jerusalinsky D, Kornisiuk E.  2009.  M 4 muscarinic receptors are involved in modulation of neurotransmission at synapses of Schaffer collaterals on CA1 hippocampal neurons in rats. Journal of Neuroscience research. (87):691-700.
Santana, F, Sierra RO, Haubrich J, Crestani AP, Duran J, Cassini L, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2016.  Involvement of the infralimbic cortex and CA1 hippocampal area in reconsolidation of a contextual fear memory through CB1 receptors: Effects of CP55,940. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. (127):42-47.
Sevenster, D, De Oliveira Alvares L, D'Hooge D.  2017.  Pre-exposure and retrieval effects on generalization of contextual fear. LEARNING AND MOTIVATION.
Sierra, RO, Cassini L, Santana F, Crestani AP, Duran J, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2013.  Reconsolidation may incorporate state-dependency into previously consolidated memories. Learning & Memory. (20):379-387.