Design Gráfico

Teixeira, F. G., P. Thormann, R. P. da Silva, and T. L. K. da Silva, ""Design gráfico" e a worldskills competition: verticalização do ensino e o mercado de trabalho", Competência - Revista da Educação Superior do Senac-RS, vol. 8, pp. 75 - 90, 2015. AbstractFull Text

This article investigates the systematization of technical education in “graphic design”, issues related to curriculum and to structuring guidelines of technical courses at secondary level, and also its technological area. It also explains the use of specific nomenclature in each mode of education, the relations of the verticalization of technical education at secondary level, according to the Ministry of Education and considerations related to professional occupations listed in the Brazilian Classification of Occupations of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The article also explores the national and international scientific competitions, associated with professional education at secondary level often entitled Knowledge Olympics or Professional Training Tournaments. The information presented uses the National Catalogue of Technical Courses proposed in 2008, the Brazilian Classification of Occupations, the Knowledge Olympics guidelines developed and organized by the National Service of Industrial Education, and the rules and guidelines of the International Tournament of Professional Training - WorldSkills Competition- as a checking basis. In addition, the study aims to reflect on a contribution to the labor market and also to the technological, scientific and cultural development of the society through the verticalization of technical education supported by scientific competitions in the graphic design field.