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Sachser, RM, Santana F, Crestani AP, Lunardi P, Pedraza L, Quillfeldt JA, Hardt O, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2016.  Forgetting of long-term memory requires activation of NMDA receptors, L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, and calcineurin.. Scientific Reports. (6):22771.proof_sachser_2016.pdf
Santana, F, Sierra RO, Haubrich J, Crestani AP, Duran J, Cassini L, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2016.  Involvement of the infralimbic cortex and CA1 hippocampal area in reconsolidation of a contextual fear memory through CB1 receptors: Effects of CP55,940. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. (127):42-47.
Haubrich, J, Cassini L, Diehl F, Santana F, Oliveira LF, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2016.  Novel learning accelerates systems consolidation of a contextual fear memory. Hippocampus. 26(3):n/a.
Sachser, RM, Crestani AP, Quillfeldt JA, Mello e Souza T, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The cannabinoid system in the retrosplenial cortex modulates fear memory consolidation, reconsolidation, and extinction. Learning & Memory. 5(22):584-588.
Pedraza, LK, Sierra RO, Boos FZ, Haubrich J, Quillfeldt JA, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The dynamic nature of systems consolidation: stress during learning as a switch guiding the rate of the hippocampal dependency and memory quality. Hippocampus. ( 26):na.
Quillfeldt, JA, De Oliveira Alvares L.  2015.  The Hippocampal Endocannabinoid System in Different Memory Phases: Unveiling the CA1 Circuitry. The Hippocampal Endocannabinoid System in Different Memory Phases: Unveiling the CA1 Circuitry. Cannabinoid Modulation of Emotion, Memory, and Motivation. , New York: Springer
Crestani, AP, Boos FZ, Haubrich J, Sierra RO, Santana F, Molina J, Cassini L, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2015.  Memory reconsolidation may be disrupted by a distractor stimulus presented during reactivation. Scientific Reports. (5):13633.
Haubrich, J, Crestani AP, Cassini L, Santana F, Sierra RO, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2015.  Reconsolidation Allows Fear Memory to be Updated to a Less Aversive Level Through the Incorporation of Appetitive Information. Neuropsychopharmacology. (40):315-326.
Cassini, L, Sierra RO, Haubrich J, Crestani AP, Santana F, Quillfeldt JA.  2013.  Memory reconsolidation allows the consolidation of a concomitant weak learning through a synaptic tagging and capture mechanism. Hippocampus. (23):134-41.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Crestani AP, Cassini L, Haubrich J, Santana F, Quillfeldt JA.  2013.  Reactivation enables memory updating, precision-keeping and strengthening: Exploring the possible biological roles of reconsolidation. Neuroscience. (224):42-48.
Sierra, RO, Cassini L, Santana F, Crestani AP, Duran J, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2013.  Reconsolidation may incorporate state-dependency into previously consolidated memories. Learning & Memory. (20):379-387.
Genro, BP, De Oliveira Alvares L, Quillfeldt JA.  2012.   Role of TRPV1 in consolidation of fear memories depends on the averseness of the conditioning procedure. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. (97):355-360.
Diehl, LA, De Oliveira Alvares L, Engelke DS, Noschang C, Andreazza AC, Gonçalves CA, Quillfeldt JA, Dalmaz C.  2012.  Long-Lasting Effects of Maternal Separation on an Animal Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Effects on Memory and Hippocampal Oxidative Stress. Neurochemical Research. (37):700-707.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Einarsson E, Santana F, Crestani AP, Haubrich J, Cassini L, Nader K, Quillfeldt JA.  2012.  Periodically reactivated context memory retains its precision and dependence on the hippocampus. (22):1092-1095.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Engelke DS, Diehl F, Scheffer-Teixeira R, Haubrich J, Cassini L, Molina VA, Quillfeldt JA.  2010.  Stress response recruits the hippocampal endocannabinoid system for the modulation of fear memory. (17):202-209.
Wang, S-H, De Oliveira Alvares L, Nader K.  2009.  Cellular and systems mechanisms of memory strength as a constraint on auditory fear reconsolidation. Nature Neuroscience. 12(7):905-12.
Sanchez, G, De Oliveira Alvares L, Oberholzer MV, Genro BP, Quillfeldt JA, Costa JC, Cerveñansky C, Jerusalinsky D, Kornisiuk E.  2009.  M 4 muscarinic receptors are involved in modulation of neurotransmission at synapses of Schaffer collaterals on CA1 hippocampal neurons in rats. Journal of Neuroscience research. (87):691-700.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Genro BP, Diehl F, Quillfeldt JA.  2008.   Differential role of the hippocampal endocannabinoid system in the memory consolidation and retrieval mechanisms. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. (90):1-9.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Genro BP, Diehl F, Molina VA, Quillfeldt JA.  2008.   Opposite Action Of Hippocampal Cb1 Receptors In Memory Reconsolidation And Extinction. Neuroscience. (154):1648-1655.
Diehl, F, Oliveira LF, Sanchez G, Camboim C, De Oliveira Alvares L, Lanziotti V, Cervenansky C, Kornisiuk E, Jerusalinsky D, Quillfeldt JA.  2007.  Facilitatory effect of the intra-hippocampal pre-test administration of MT3 in the inhibitory avoidance task. Behavioral Brain Research. (177):227-231.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Genro BP, Breda R, Pedroso MF, Costa JC, Quillfeldt JA.  2006.  AM251, a selective antagonist of the CB1 receptor, inhibits the induction of long-term potentiation and induces retrograde amnesia in rats. Brain Research. (1075):60-67.
De Oliveira Alvares, L, Oliveira LF, Almeida CC, Diehl F, Genro BP, Lanziotti V, Quillfeldt JA.  2005.  Amnestic effect of intrahippocampal AM251, a CB1 selective blocker, in the inhibitory avoidance task in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 83(2):119-124.