Amazon Forest Fires Between 2001 and 2006 and Birth Weight in Porto Velho

Prass, TS, Lopes SRC, Dórea JG, Marques RC, Brandão KG.  2012.  Amazon Forest Fires Between 2001 and 2006 and Birth Weight in Porto Velho, Jul. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 89:1–7., Number 1


Birth weight data (22,012 live-births) from a public hospital in Porto Velho (Amazon) was used in multiple statistical models to assess the effects of forest-fire smoke on human reproductive outcome. Mean birth weights for girls (3,139 g) and boys (3,393 g) were considered statistically different (p-value < 2.2e-16). Among all models analyzed, the means were considered statistically different only when treated as a function of month and year (p-value = 0.0989, girls and 0.0079, boys) . The R2 statistics indicate that the regression models considered are able to explain 65 {%} (girls) and 54 {%} (boys) of the variation of the mean birth weight.
