Dynamic block GMRES: an iterative method for block linear systems

Dynamic block GMRES: an iterative method for block linear systems, da Cunha, R. D., and Becker D. , 2007, Volume 27, Issue 4, p.423 - 448, (2007)


We present variants of the block-GMRES($m$) algorithms due to Vital and the block-LGMRES($m$,$k$) by Baker, Dennis and Jessup, obtained with replacing the standard QR factorization by a rank-revealing QR factorization in the Arnoldi process. The resulting algorithm allows for dynamic block deflation whenever there is a linear dependency between the Krylov vectors or the convergence of a right-hand-side occurs. $\textsc{Fortran 90}$implementations of the algorithms were tested on a number of test matrices and the results show that in some cases a substantial reduction of the execution time is obtained. Also a parallel implementation of our variant of the block-GMRES($m$) algorithm, using $\textsc{Fortran 90}$and $\textsc{MPI}$was tested on $\textsc{SunFire 15K}$parallel computer, showing good parallel efficiency.


