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Gustavo Machado has completed all requirement for a PhD in Veterinary health preventive with emphasis in data
analysis, holds a Master in Veterinary epidemiology with emphasis in data analysis from Federal University of Rio
Grande do Sul, and earned his undergraduate degree, veterinary medicine, from Federal University of Santa Maria.
With more than six years in data analysis and animal health promotion, Mr. Machado is proficient in R, SAS,
Tableau, SPSS, ERSI ArcMap and Microsoft technologies.
He has held a variety of technical positions at national level: consulting as epidemiologist at SEAP (Secretaria da
Agricultura e Pecuária); MAPA (Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento); as risk analyst at
Natrifrango alimentos ltd, at international level has worked as a veterinary at the Empire Stud LLC. , Hudson, New
York; Minnesota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Sait Paul, Minnesota, and has been International Specialist:
Public health and Global health at the Pan American Health Organization (Washington DC) and current is Statistics
specialist consult at the Pan American Health Organization (Washington DC) at the Human animal interface.